The cornerstone of our hands-on approach to effective physical therapy treatment
Skilled Manual Therapists can make immediate improvements to your range of motion and reduce your pain. Treatments can create greater mobility, gains in strength, and healing responses from the body.
Movement to Overcome Pain
Don't be afraid of your pain because pain doesn't always mean there is tissue damage; hurt doesn't always equal harm; at Restorative Therapy Co, we are all about making things pain and threat-free so the patient can do a meaningful movement.
When the patient is in pain, movement may be scary or painful. This may make you think you should avoid it, but avoiding any movement will cause more pain. If you are having pain with any movement that you can’t overcome, seeking physical therapy may be the answer.
Our physical therapists will apply repetitive movement techniques, loading the tissue, and home exercises. The graded movement will help stick and become more permanent and get the patient closer to reach their goals.
If you are interested in any of our treatments at Restorative Therapy Co, you can book an appointment with us and get help to overcome your pain.
How Much Manual Therapy Will I Need?
There is a correlation between the of amount of hands-on manual therapy you will need and the amount of time you have had an injury or pain. The more acute or recent the problem, the quicker we see positive results. Serious or chronic injuries will take longer to effectively treat. Factors such as age, overall health, and lifestyle play a role in how much treatment is needed.
Our Approach
From our in-depth evaluation and constant re-assessments, our manual therapy techniques aim to work on an area that hurts and resolve the root cause of your pain or injury. At-home exercise-based treatment is vital to maintaining the gains made in the clinic. Our goal is to utilize manual treatments for initial improvements and educate you on corrective and functional exercises so you can independently manage future flare ups.
Let us help you feel your best.
Or call to schedule an appointment: 757-578-2958
It is not uncommon to have some soreness following manual treatments which typically subside within 24-48 hours. If it persists beyond 48 hours, we'll adjust future treatments to match your body’s receptivity to hands-on treatment.